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Caught with your friend’s drugs? You can fight to defend yourself

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2020 | Drug Charges

You aren’t someone who typically uses or carries drugs. In fact, when your friend asked you to hold on to a baggie of a substance you didn’t recognize, it didn’t even register that it could be a bag of drugs.

You went about your business and forgot all about it. Then, you placed the bag you were carrying on your passenger seat and went for a drive. In an unfortunate chain of events, you ended up getting into a crash and the authorities found the drugs at the scene.

If you are charged for intending to sell drugs, you could face significant penalties. Having even a small amount of schedule I, II, III or IV drugs can land you up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. That’s a drug charge at the fifth degree. For a fourth degree charge, you could face up to 15 years in prison and fines of up to $100,000.

What can you do if the drugs aren’t yours?

It may be hard to convince the police and prosecution that the drugs aren’t yours if your friend is not with you in the vehicle or if you cannot get others to corroborate your story.

Your attorney will work with you to help you build a defense that shows that these drugs aren’t yours, though. For example, you can explain how your friend placed an item in your bag for you to hold and that you didn’t know what it was. You can explain when it happened and even show that you have no criminal history to back up your story.

This is a tough position to be in, but the right support can help you defend yourself.

