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How Long Does a DWI Stay On Your Record in Minnesota?

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2023 | Drunk Driving

No one wants a DWI on their record. However, if you receive a conviction for driving while impaired (DWI) in Minnesota, you may wonder how long it will stay on your criminal and driving records.

Understanding how long a DWI stays on your record is important for many reasons—including insurance costs, employment opportunities, and other legal issues. You may even be wondering if you can get the conviction expunged from your record.

This article will discuss Minnesota DWI laws and how long a DWI stays on your record. We’ll also explain what you can do to get an expungement for the conviction from your record.

How a DWI Impacts Your Criminal and Driving Record

Maintaining a clean and accurate criminal record is essential to many aspects of life. It can impact your ability to obtain housing, credit, a job, or even college. Unfortunately, DWI convictions can remain on your criminal and driving records for a long time.

You can get DWI convictions due to driving under the influence or operating a motor vehicle with any amount of alcohol in your system. Also, if you refuse a chemical test, it can result in an automatic DWI conviction.

A DWI conviction can have a long-term impact on your criminal and driving record. The consequences of a DWI is serious, including possible jail time, heavy fines, and suspension of your driver’s license.

In Minnesota, a DWI conviction will remain on your criminal record for life. It means you cannot erase or expunge it from your criminal record, even after the court sentence.

The good news is that a DWI conviction does not automatically show up on your driving record. However, if you receive a DWI and the court suspends or revokes your license, the conviction will stay on your driving record for up to 10 years.

After ten years, the system will remove the conviction from your driving record. If you receive another DWI or serious traffic violation in those ten years, the conviction remains on your driving record.

Circumstances That Allow You to Get a DWI Removed from Your Criminal Record

Although you cannot completely expunge a DWI conviction from your criminal record in Minnesota, there may be certain circumstances where you can remove the conviction. For example, if you did not receive a full DWI conviction, but instead receive a “stay of adjudication” or “dismissal,” you can file for an expungement to remove the conviction from your criminal record.

Also, if you were charged with a DWI but were not guilty or had dropped charges, then you can get an expungement. To do this, you must file a petition with the court to have the conviction removed from your record.

CJB Law’s team of professionals can help you with your expungement petition. We will review your case and assist you in filing the appropriate paperwork to have the DWI conviction removed from your criminal record.

How to Remove a DWI from Your Driving Record

If you receive a DWI in Minnesota and the court suspends or revokes your license, the conviction will stay on your driving record for up to 10 years.

However, in some cases, you may be eligible to have the DWI removed from your driving record. To do this, you must file a petition with the court. The petition must include evidence you have taken steps to prevent future DWIs by attending an alcohol or drug treatment program and other rehabilitative measures.

The legal team at CJB Law can help you with this process, as well. They will review your case and assist you in filing the appropriate paperwork to have the DWI removed from your driving record.

Navigate Your DWI Conviction With CJB Law Today

Navigating Minnesota DWI laws can be confusing and overwhelming. It’s important to understand how a DWI can affect your criminal and driving record and what you can do to get the conviction expunged.

At CJB Law, we will help you get the best possible outcome for your situation. Our team of experienced professionals can answer your questions and help you understand the legal process.

We can also assist you in filing the appropriate paperwork to have your DWI removed from your criminal and driving record. Contact us today for more information.

