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CJB Law Legal Blog

How to Choose an Executor of an Estate

Getting ready to pass on is an eye-opening and sometimes sad experience for yourself and the whole family. However, planning for your family’s future is essential so things go smoothly for them in handling your last affairs when it is your time to leave the Earth. Let’s discuss how to choose an executor of an estate. Learn more about estate…

Why Can’t My Spouse and I Share a Divorce Lawyer?

Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, and many couples may want to simplify the process by sharing a single divorce lawyer. However, this is not recommended, and each spouse must have a separate attorney. Why Can’t I Share a Divorce Lawyer with My Spouse? First and foremost, it is essential to recognize that divorce is a legal process,…

Can I get Driving Privileges back after a DWI?

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense that usually has extreme legal and social consequences, including the loss of driving privileges. You may wonder if you can get your license back if you have been convicted of a DWI in Minnesota. The short answer is yes, you can get your driving privileges back after a DWI. Nevertheless, it will…

Can You Legally Refuse a Field Sobriety Test in Minnesota?

You may be asked to submit to a field sobriety test if you’re pulled over on suspicion of driving while impaired in Minnesota. These tests are designed to assess your level of intoxication and can include tasks such as walking a straight line or standing on one leg. But can you legally refuse a field sobriety test in Minnesota? And…

What is The Punishment for Soliciting a Prostitute in Minnesota?

Prostitution is illegal in Minnesota, and while enforcement varies, police in Minnesota often crack down on areas where prostitutes and their clients frequent. The penalties for soliciting a prostitute vary, from a misdemeanor to a felony, depending on the offense and the accused’s criminal history. That makes having a highly skilled defense attorney in your corner critical, not only to…

How Does Bail Work in Minnesota?

If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges in Minnesota, you may wonder how bail works in the state. Bail is a payment made to the court to guarantee that a defendant will appear for their scheduled court date. What Is Bail? Bail is an amount in monetary terms decided by a court to ensure that a defendant…

When Can Minnesota Police Conduct a Search Without a Warrant?

Of all the legal concepts, few are as simple or potentially complex as executing a legal search. In most cases, a search warrant is required for the search to be valid. In a few instances, however, law enforcement personnel can execute a search without a warrant, including using probable cause or an emergency as a justification. Not understanding how searches…

What Does it Mean to Plead the Fifth?

The concept of “pleading the Fifth” is often covered by legal dramas on television or in the movies. While it appears obvious what pleading the Fifth Amendment means, some aspects of how it is applied might surprise people. Because it is not as cut and dried as many think, if you have a case where you think pleading the Fifth…

Can a Child Be Asked to Testify in a Custody Dispute in Minnesota?

Working out child custody agreements can be the most frustrating and agonizing of divorce’s painful aspects. Sometimes, getting to the correct agreement even requires input from the child or children, which technically can mean one party or the other can call a child to testify in court. Before resorting to that option, however, several alternatives are tried in child custody…

When Would a Court Refuse to Honor a Will?

Having a will is necessary, so your estate can be protected and executed as you wish. That said, if you do not draw up a legal will, a Minnesota court may rule it invalid. If you are looking into drawing up a will or plan your estate, you should be aware of why a court in Minnesota might not honor…

